Our vision
We aspire to a world in which fundamental human rights and freedoms are universally recognised and respected by all. Everyone has the right to defend these rights and freedoms without fear of threats or attack.

Our mission
Our contribution to that world is to support human rights defenders (HRDs) through comprehensive protection programmes. Our programmes enable HRDs to build capacities for managing their protection effectively. We carry out targeted advocacy so that those who have the duty to protect HRDs fulfil their obligations, and we work to convince other individuals and institutions with a stake in the protection of HRDs to maximise their positive contribution. Protection International always works in partnership with defenders.
Our values
Solidarity & Collaboration
We are committed to standing alongside HRDs and supporting their efforts to improving our societies through peaceful means.
Grassroots Ethos
We are committed to identifying the needs of HRDs and their communities, to adapting our work to their realities (cultural, historical, economic, etc.), and to valuing their work and their voices.
Commitment to Human Rights
We believe that respecting human rights will contribute to a more just global society. Everybody has the right to defend human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination based on their identity, nor fear of being threatened or attacked.
Participatory Decision-Making
We promote the respect and participation of everyone in the decision-making process. We are committed to horizontal and active listening – recognising the value in having a diversity of skills, perspectives and ideas.
Accountability & Integrity
We are committed to communicating, both internally and externally, about what we are doing as an exercise of transparency that reflects a reliable and credible organisation, fostering trust amongst our partners. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy on corruption.
Creativity & Learning
We are committed to: reflecting on our individual and collective practices; learning from our mistakes; being open to new ideas and ways of working; sharing internally in order to learn; innovating and improving our level of understanding; and putting our lessons learned into practice to more effectively contribute to the work of others.

Our strategy
Protection International’s 2019-2023 Global Strategy is building on a shift in perspective, moving from the protection of HRDs to their ability to exercise their right to defend human rights. Two key elements underpin this transition: a revised theory of change and a revised approach to protection.
During this five-year process, Protection International has also worked to adapt its governance structure to expand its reach and bring our decision-making where it matters most: close to human rights defenders. This is leading us to decentralise our operations and towards the establishment of regional PI Hubs.
Our 2019-2023 Global Strategy is available for download in English, Spanish and French.
During the second semester of 2023 we will carry out an internal evaluation process which will set the grounds for drafting, by the end of the year, our 2024-2028 Global Strategy.