Consulstant(e) pour Conseil en Développement Organisationnel et Renforcement de la Durabilité

Date de publication de l’offre: 13 Octobre 2023Date de cloture: 7 Novembre 2023Durée de la consultance: 1 Mois  À propos de Protection International Protection International RD Congo est une organisation non gouvernementale spécialisée dans la gestion de la sécurité et la protection des défenseures des droits humains (DDH) et des organisations communautaires. PI renforce principalement les […]

Consultant (e) National (e) : Formateur /trice Sur L’Elaboration Des Modules Simplifies Et Adaptes Sur La Protection Physique, Resolution Des Conflits Et Mediation, Plaidoyer, Genre Et Masculinite Positive

A Propos De Protection International Protection International (PI) a vu ses débuts en 1998 sous le nom de PBI European Office. Ce bureau est devenu Protection International en 2007. Les équipes se sont attachées à proposer un accompagnement sur le long terme aux défenseur·e·s des droits humains en danger. L’objectif est de donner aux défenseur·e·s […]

Germain Rukuki: Timeline of the Case

In July 2017, the human rights defender Germain Rukuki was arrested in his home and later charged with “rebellion”, “threatening state security”, “attacking the authority of the State” and “participation in an insurrectionist movement”, although no conclusive evidence was ever presented to back the prosecution’s counts. Four years later, Germain has been released from prison. […]

The criminalisation of la Lucha movement in DRC | Criminalisation Series #2

11/07/2018 – Protection International (PI) launches its report on the criminalisation of la Lucha, a citizen movement for the defense of human rights, exposing the characteristics and impacts of this criminalisation on the members of the movement and on their communities and social networks, in the particular context of the Democratic Republic of Congo. With […]

Criminalisation of rural-based human rights defenders in Kenya | Criminalisation Series #1

Protection International (PI) launches the second edition of a new publication series on criminalisation, Criminalisation of rural-based human rights defenders in Kenya – Impact and counterstrategies, which analyses the criminalization of human rights defenders in Kenya in its multiple forms, the impact and the counterstrategies used by HRDs to fight and prevent criminalization. In recent […]

Protection Journal #4: Protecting your life, my life, our lives

This manual focuses on the work and the protection of women human rights defenders and is the fruit of reflexion and testimonies that they have shared with us over years of experience. Available in English and Spanish. The Protection Manual number 4, from the series published by UDEFEGUA and PI, is dedicated to the defenders. […]

Observation report on the Chebeya-Bazana case before the Kinshasa-Gombe military court

Protection International (PI) helps and supports Congolese NGOs in the defense of human rights defenders and their rights. Due to the prevailing climate of impunity of the Democratic Republic of Congo and specially in relation with abuses against human rights defenders, it’s been necessary to make an appeal on a fair trial, the compliance of […]