Taking Care of Us – A Guide for the Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Rural Areas (2020)
Protection International presents the third edition of the publication “Taking Care of Us”, a methodology developed by our team at Protection International Mesoamerica. This publication presents our experience and lessons learned working with human rights defenders in the Mesoamerican region since 2007. This latest publication aims to illustrate our work accompanying groups that defend human […]
[Spanish] Cuaderno Gestáltico para el trabajo de protección con Defensoras de Derechos Humanos

Protection International Mesoamérica ha realizado un “Cuaderno gestáltico” para el trabajo de protección a defensoras de derechos humanos surge ante la necesidad de responder al acompañamiento a redes de defensoras en los territorios por la crisis mundial de la COVID-19, que nos hace mantenernos en nuestras casas por el riesgo de ser contagiadas o contagiar. […]
“Gestalt Notebook” for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Protection International Mesoamerica has produced a “Gestalt Notebook” for the work of protecting women human rights defenders. This publication arose from need to remotely accompany networks of defenders within their territories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication contains exercises that aim to respond to the experiences, thoughts and emotions of the defenders from home in […]
The risks of defenders of the right to land and territory in the post-peace agreement scenario in Colombia

The risks of defenders of the right to land and territory in the post-peace agreement scenario in Colombia – a view from the region is a joint publication by Protection International and Pensamiento y Acción Social (PAS) that throws light on the reality for land rights defenders in a post-peace agreement Colombia, as well as […]
Stigmatisation and Criminalisation of Human Rights Defenders in Guatemala | Criminalisation Series #3
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, Protection International (PI) today launches the fourth publication of its Criminalisation Series, Stigmatisation and Criminalisation of Human Rights Defenders in Guatemala in the context of mega-hydroelectric projects. Although the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders remains a fundamental tool for […]
[Spanish] Collective protection of defenders of rights to land and territory in Colombia: indigenous communities as collective actors. The ACIN case

Collective protection of defenders of rights to land and territory in Colombia: indigenous communities as collective actors. The ACIN case is a joint publication by Protection International and Pensamiento y Acción Social (PAS) that tries to understand and analyse the collective ways in which the Nasa indigenous peoples think and protect themselves (Nasa indigenous people […]
The Time is NOW! – Effective public policies for the right to defend human rights

Protection International and the Centre for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) present their new publication: The Time is Now | Effective public policies for the right to defend human rights. In view of the high number of attacks against human rights defenders in the Americas (and the rest of the world), THE TIME IS NOW […]
Collective protection of HRDs: defenders of the right to land and territory

Protection International, in collaboration with its Colombian partner Pensamiento y Acción Social (PAS), launches an innovative publication exploring broader approaches to the protection of human rights defenders, particularly those defending the right to land and territory: COLLECTIVE PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS OF THE RIGHT TO LAND AND TERRITORY – CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENTS AND METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES. […]
Manual to prevent the criminalisation of defenders of the right to land and territory (2016)
It is the result of the accompaniment that PAS and PI carried out with peasant, Afro-descendant and Indigenous communities in different regions of Colombia and is part of the effort carried out by PI to characterise and prevent the phenomenon of criminalisation worldwide.
[Spanish] Manual para prevenir la criminalización de los defensores del derecho a la tierra y el territorio

The following Manual is only available in Spanish.