2014 Annual Report: What is Protection?

In 2014, Protection International decided to look back at its work through the lens of a question: what is protection? Throughout our journey we have learned that there is no simple answer to this question. Rather, than an HRD’s protection is like a puzzle: something that requires skills and persistence in solving. This report looks […]

Annual Report 2013

In 2013, Protection International (PI) continued to support the work of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) across the world and help make their environments safer. The following Annual Report gives concrete examples of PI’s work throughout the world in 2013, but specifically focused on capacity building, research projects, working with duty bearers on the development of national public policies protecting HRDs and ensuring the implementation of existing protection policies for […]

2011 – 2012 Annual Report

In 2011 and 2012, Protection International made considerable progress in the core areas of its global protection programme. From helping defenders where they’re most at risk in more than twenty countries, to developing innovative security management tools, we consistently investigate new ways to enhance protection of human rights defenders, all the while involving the right stakeholders in […]

Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Best Practices and lessons learnt

In recent years several governments have developed specific national mechanisms to protect defenders, all of them in countries seriously lacking in protection for human rights defenders. These mechanisms (laws, action policies, offices) have been established under pressure from (and with the cooperation of) national and international human rights organisations, with essential legal support from the […]

Legislators and Human Rights Defenders

A Parliamentary guide to inform members of parliament from around the world on how they can contribute to the protection of human rights defenders. The risks for Human Rights Defenders increase when they work in conflict zones or in countries where acts perpetrated against them go unpunished. Confronted with such a situation, the development of […]

Protection Manual for LGBTI Defenders: 2nd Edition (2010)

Protection International has been working in the protection of human rights defenders for some years. To date our work has focused mainly on mainstream human rights defenders working in situations of open conflicts. In conversations with various defenders working on LGBTI rights it became evident that we needed to expand our focus and our work […]

Annual Report 2010

In the 2nd year, Protection International (PI) and partners could already prove the effectiveness of the new approach of protection of human rights defenders (HRD) on the ground. Indeed, in 2010, 7 Protection Desks (PDs) had been established in Guatemala (covering Central America), Colombia, Mexico, Uganda and Kenya (covering 10 countries in East and Horn […]

Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders (2009)

The purpose of this manual is to provide human rights defenders (HRDs) with additional knowledge and tools that may be useful for improving their understanding of security and protection. The manual can be used to support training on security and protection, help defenders carry out their own risk assessments and define security rules and procedures that suit […]