[Spanish] Monitoreo sobre la situación del deber estatal de garantizar el ejercicio de defensa de los derechos humanos en municipios guatemaltecos

[English text bellow] En la actualidad, la defensa de los derechos humanos en Guatemala atraviesa una de sus peores crisis desde los procesos de transición democrática y acuerdos de paz de inicios de la década de los noventa. Las amenazas, ataques físicos y en redes sociales, sumada a la criminalización indebida contra operadores/as de justicia […]
[Spanish] Protección colectiva: conversaciones con personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala y Honduras

To read the English article, follow the link. Memorias de cuatro conversatorios sobre la protección colectiva a personas y colectividades defensoras de los derechos humanos, ambientales y territoriales En 2020, las organizaciones Protection International (PI) con su trabajo en Brasil; la Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brasil); el Centro de Estudos e Ação […]
[Spanish] Cuaderno Gestáltico para el trabajo de protección con Defensoras de Derechos Humanos

Protection International Mesoamérica ha realizado un “Cuaderno gestáltico” para el trabajo de protección a defensoras de derechos humanos surge ante la necesidad de responder al acompañamiento a redes de defensoras en los territorios por la crisis mundial de la COVID-19, que nos hace mantenernos en nuestras casas por el riesgo de ser contagiadas o contagiar. […]
“Gestalt Notebook” for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Protection International Mesoamerica has produced a “Gestalt Notebook” for the work of protecting women human rights defenders. This publication arose from need to remotely accompany networks of defenders within their territories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication contains exercises that aim to respond to the experiences, thoughts and emotions of the defenders from home in […]
Stigmatisation and Criminalisation of Human Rights Defenders in Guatemala | Criminalisation Series #3
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, Protection International (PI) today launches the fourth publication of its Criminalisation Series, Stigmatisation and Criminalisation of Human Rights Defenders in Guatemala in the context of mega-hydroelectric projects. Although the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders remains a fundamental tool for […]
Protection against the threats of the 21st century (2009)
One of the challenges we deal with is how to prevent attacks against defenders in rural and semi-rural communities. At the time of publication, existing protection models mainly focused on urban areas. Through the seminar ”Protegiéndonos ante las amenazas del siglo XXI y su sistematización” the publication produced by PI’s Aj Noj Protection Desk aims to develop a […]
[Spanish] Criminalization against Human Rights Defenders: Reflection about protection mechanisms

The criminalization does not allow us to face the origin and the nature of the conflict and it has become a daily fact for peoples from Latin America. Instead of develop actions and policies in order to face the social problems, it has been usual to see how it is started political persecution, when every […]
[Spanish] Guide for human rigths defenders against the criminalisation

This “Guide for human rigths defenders against the criminalisation” contains best practices and mechanisms for coping the processes aimed against HRDs, their organizations and communities. Available in Spanish. UDEFEGUA, through the Aj Noj Protection Desk Program and in partnership with Protection Intenational, is pleased to introduce the Guide for human rigths defenders against the criminalisation. […]